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SteadyCellPhenotype is a browser based interface for the analysis of ternary biological networks capable of deterministically finding all steady states of a network, as well as the simulation and visualization of trajectories with publication quality graphics. SteadyCellPhenotype is also capable of stochastic simulations, which allows the user to approximate the size of the basin for attractors. We also include tools for deterministic simulations of trajectories nearby specified points, allowing the exploration of the system's behavior in that neighborhood.

Ternary networks are generalizations of Boolean networks which allow variables to take three, rather than two, states. These have the advantage that they can model levels of a node being at a low, normal, or high state rather than simply being activated or not. In this sense, ternary networks lie in the middle ground between Boolean networks and ODEs, being more descriptive but keeping the qualitative nature of a Boolean network.